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Annes holiday house

Addressaddress Talsu novads, Dundagas novads, Pāce
Season01.01 - 31.12
Route155 km from Riga to guest house
Languagesspeak lv speak ru speak en

“Annes” is a site of 140 m2 log cabin with a hothouse that is located in Pāce of Talsi region of Dundaga rural municipality. It is situated on the banks of the Pāce Lake and Baloži Lake just in 2 metres from the water. These lakes have nice islets. This log cabin is designed for permanent living both during summer and winter seasons. The ground floor incorporates the kitchen, a toilet and bathroom facility with heated floor, Latvian-style hothouse and a hall with a fire-place. The fire- place heats both ground and first floors. The first floor incorporates two bedrooms. In all the log cabin provides 8 bed places. This place is suitable for rest with children; it has swing, sand box, Witch’s House, as well as swimming facilities comfortable for children.
Our clients have an opportunity to rent a boat, SUP board, bicycles or pursue fishing in the lake. Mini zoo, Paces wool factory. The nearest surroundings have various interesting tourist sites, among other things offering horse rides. You can use heated outdoor water log which simultaneously can accommodate at least five persons. A pergola is situated on the lake.

Our coordinates are: 57.49630° 22.27491°

Brīvdienu māja ANNES bilde Nr.1ezera skats bilde Nr.2halle bilde Nr.3atklājam SUP sezonu bilde Nr.4mūžīgā Mīlestība bilde Nr.5mīlestība bilde Nr.6brīnišķīgais rudens ANNĒS bilde Nr.7kas var būt garšīgāks par sklandu raušiem bilde Nr.8atraktīvākais  deju kolektīvs Dun dang foto sesijā ANNĒS bilde Nr.9apkurināma baļļa uz ezera bilde Nr.10skaistums tapšanas stadijā bilde Nr.11Brīvdienu mājas ANNES pasākumā ar  Kārli Kazāku bilde Nr.12ANNES rudens veltes bilde Nr.13mūsu mīlulis! laipni gaidīti ar saviem mīluļiem! bilde Nr.14ANNES rudens velšu parāde bilde Nr.15rudens pieskaņa bilde Nr.16Kārlis Kazāks un Karina Tatārinova koncerts ANNĒS bilde Nr.17Brīvdienu mājas ANNES pasākumā Velomaratons bilde Nr.18Brīvdienu mājas ANNES pasākumā ar  Kārli Kazāku bilde Nr.19virtuve bilde Nr.20halle bilde Nr.21priekštelpa bilde Nr.22pirts telpa bilde Nr.23dušas,pirts telpa bilde Nr.24guļamistaba Nr.1 bilde Nr.25bērnu raganas mājiņa bilde Nr.26guļamistaba Nr.1 bilde Nr.27guļamistaba Nr1 bilde Nr.28raganu māja bērniem bilde Nr.29šūpoles,smilšukaste bilde Nr.30guļamistaba Nr.2 bilde Nr.31bērnu mantu glabātuve bilde Nr.32guļamistaba Nr1 bilde Nr.33ezers bilde Nr.34teritorija bilde Nr.35draugi no Brazīlijas, Anglijas, Šrilankas, Latvijas bilde Nr.36apkurināma baļļa uz ezera bilde Nr.37loms ezerā bilde Nr.38ANNES bilde Nr.39
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