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Plaucaki camping

Addressaddress Talsu novads, Pūrciemā, 14 km aiz Rojas Kolkas virzienā
Season01/05 - 01/10
Route140 km from Riga to guest house

Camping "PLAUCAKI" offers a quiet rest, 250 m from the sea, inside in the pine forest, with the possibility to pick mushrooms and berries, or just enjoy nature. Located in Rojas region in village Pūrciems, 14 km behind Roja in the direction of Kolka, 140 km from Riga.

"Plaucaki" offers to live in five romantic wooden houses with candlelight and six wooden houses with electricity. To tent and spend time near the campfire (firewood can be purchased), as well as a car park for people, who just want to take sunbaths.

Camping provide possibility to stay in the camping teritory and to use electrical conection to trailers and slop basing as well.

We also offer a small garden arbour with a fireplace for parties and celebrations (up to 30 people), play chess and checkers, outside fireplace and a playground for children, hot and cold shower, a sauna with shower for family (up to 6 people).

On the camping territory there is small shop, where you can buy food, hot water, tea and coffee. For turist of "Plaucaki" we offered equipment rental (tents, mattress, sleeping bags, gas wicks, etc.).

To make a house and tent site reservation, please call by phone +371 26445124

You are welcome!

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