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Pāvilosta Marina camping

Addressaddress Pāvilostas novads, Ostmalas iela 4, Pāvilosta, LV 3466
Route240 km from Riga to guest house
Languagesspeak lv speak ru speak en

Welcome, traveler!

For realists and romantics, amber seekers and budding sailors, students and instructors, travelers and adventurers since May of 2006 lodging is now available on the shore of the Baltic Sea at Pavilosta just 240 km from Riga, 70 km from Ventspils and 54 km from Liepaja! The nearest bus depot, store, bar and information center are all located about 1 km from the lodge.

Our lodging/camping area features:

> A guesthouse with 2 triple-occupancy and 2 double-occupancy rooms with a beautiful view of the Baltic Sea.
> Showers and toilets.
> Tent, camper and trailer sites.
> A private park and picnic area.
> A conference room that seats 18 people.
> Detailed local tourist information.
> Catamaran (K1, K2, K3), cutter and yacht rental.

Feel welcome, relaxed and at home lodging at Pavilosta Marina!

Atpūtieties kādā no 4 brīvdienu mājām! bilde Nr.1 bilde Nr.2Jahtu osta bilde Nr.3Atpūtieties kādā no 4 brīvdienu mājām! bilde Nr.4Jahtu osta bilde Nr.5Baltais kempings bilde Nr.6Jahtu osta bilde Nr.7Piedāvājam burāšanu ar TOPCAT katamarāniem bilde Nr.8Piedāvājam izbraucienus ar kuteri jūrā! bilde Nr.9Atrodamies 50m attālumā no jūras bilde Nr.10Baltais kempings bilde Nr.11 bilde Nr.12 bilde Nr.13 bilde Nr.14 bilde Nr.15 bilde Nr.16 bilde Nr.17 bilde Nr.18 bilde Nr.19 bilde Nr.20 bilde Nr.21 bilde Nr.22 bilde Nr.23 bilde Nr.24 bilde Nr.25 bilde Nr.26 bilde Nr.27 bilde Nr.28 bilde Nr.29 bilde Nr.30 bilde Nr.31
Active leisure
Kempinga istaba40 €
Brīvdienu māja (divvietīga - lauku vai melnbaltā stila)75 €
Brīvdienu māja (četrvietīga - retro vai sērfa stila)107 €

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