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Pilsberģu krogs guest house

Addressaddress Ventspils novads, "Pilsberģi", Jūrkalnes pagasts, LV-3626
Route190 km from Riga to guest house
Languagesspeak lv speak ru speak en

Is the place where grey-green waves are hitting the high shore and generously sharing amber that has been hiding deep in the sea, where sun sets down twice, where fishermen catch fish and women sing out their famous ē – ō and similarly to tall pines stubbornly growing in sandy shores, this place does not leave anyone indifferent, and its name is Jurkalne…
GuestHouse Pilsberģukrogs is situated in a historic building that used to be a manor house, it is in a two minutes’ walk away from the most scenic shore of the Baltic Sea in Jūrkalne.

2014 – 2015 thirteen cozy rooms have been renovated and built with a possibility to host 32 persons.
There is a bathroom with shower, hair dryer in each room. Besides there is also a LCD TV and Wi-Fi internet.
Rooms are furnished with elegant wooden furniture, comfortable beds and with textiles from natural materials.
Breakfast is included in the service.

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