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Šlokenbekas muiža castle, manor

Addressaddress Engures novads, "Šlokenbekas muižas ansamblis", Milzkalne, Smārdes pagasts, LV 3148
Route64 km from Riga to guest house
Languagesspeak lv speak ru speak en

In the Great halls of the Šlokenbeka Manor you can celebrate the most significant moments of your life. It is possible to gather up to three hundred members of your family and friends. Participants of a corporate party will also enjoy the atmosphere of the Manor. If you are planning a musical event and wish for a high quality perfornance, choose Šlokenbeka Manor, because the acoustics of the both halls is one of the best in Latvia.
If you choose to use the Great or the Small Vault Hall, your celebration will acquire mysteriously ancient mood.
Various items, such as outdoor firepit and well, in the courtyard can be a great attraction for guest.

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Lielā zāle līdz 300 pers. izejamās un svētku dienās no 18:00 - 12:00; d.d. no 08:00 - 18:00 70.00 €/ pirmā h, katra nākamā h 35.00 € 600 €
Mazā zāle līdz 80 pers. izejamās un svētku dienās no 18:00 - 12:00; d.d. no 08:00 - 18:00 45.00 €/ pirmā h, katra nākamā h 25.00 € 450 €
Muižas pagalms izejamās un svētku dienās 75.00 € /pirmā h, katra nākamā h 40.00 €; d.d. 70.00 € /pirmā h, katra nākamā h 35.00 €70 €
Lielā Velvju zāle izejamās un svētku dienās no 18:00 - 12:00; d.d. no 08:00 - 18:00 50.00 €/ pirmā h, katra nākamā h 30.00 € 400 €
Mazā Velvju zāle izejamās un svētku dienās no 18:00 - 12:00; d.d. no 08:00 - 18:00 35.00 €/ pirmā h, katra nākamā h 20.00 € 300 €
Piknika vieta min maksa par pirmām 2 h, katra nākamā stunda 7 € 14 €

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