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Viesnīca Sigulda hotel

Addressaddress Siguldas novads, Pils iela 6, Sigulda, LV 2150
Season01/01 - 31/12
Route51 km from Riga to guest house
Languagesspeak lv speak ru speak en speak de

For 120 years Hotel “Sigulda” has been greeting guests in its cosy and comfortable rooms. It is situated in the very centre of Sigulda city where all touristic attractions are at your fingertips. Hotel is a unique complex of 19th century stone building and contemporary conference centre. 43 rooms can accommodate 85 guests, but conference halls and recreation centre with sauna, steam bath and pool can take in seminars, weddings and other enterprises up to 100 persons. Hotel restaurant, which is named after the nobleman Kropotkin, will delight every gourmand with delicious dishes and professional service.

Hotel “Sigulda” was built in 1889, when the Riga-Petersburg railroad was created, which encouraged more people take holidays away from Riga. The nobleman Nikolaj Kropotkin (1872-1939) developed Sigulda as popular tourism destination among Russian and German noblemen. Since reconstruction in 1998 the historical building has began to function again after a break of many years. In 2001 the hotel was extended with the building of hotel rooms, a seminar-conference centre and recreation centre.

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Komforta numurs80 €
Standarta numurs70 €
Suite numurs110 €
Ekonomiskais numurs60 €
Vienvietīgs numurs60 €

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