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Kempings / Viesu nams Melnsils camping

Addressaddress Rojas novads, Melnsils
Season01.01 - 31.12
Route146 km from Riga to guest house
Languagesspeak lv speak ru speak en speak de

Camping Melnsils was created for purposes of active recreation and sporting events organization (up to 300persons).It is located directly on the seashore, a charmingplace10 km from the Cape Kolka, near Slītere Reserve, along Steep (Stāvkrasti), breath taking hiking trails in the forest. Excellent, naturally outlined cycling paths available, including Slītere lap (50 km) along the forest road which passes five Liv villages. From Košrags route goes along Apakšceļš -a lonely ancient route surrounded by the marshes and forests Košrags and Dūmelis. (Melnsils-Kolka-Vaide-Saunags-Pitrags-Košrags-Dūmele-Ezermuiža-Melnsils). Meadows by the sea offer space for tents and set up fireplaces. Romantic barrels – double dream houses and four-seated family houses, that allow for waiting of the sunrise by the sea. Bath-house (Latvian type sauna) located just next to the seashore. Steam-baths by using different whisks.

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Active leisure
Divvietīga mucu mājiņa26 €
Četrvietīga mucu mājiņa55-65 €
Kapteiņa numurs95 €
Krišjāņa Valdemāra numurs60 €
Tromeļu pils numurs60 €
Stūrmaņu kajīte60 €
Matrožu kubriks60 €
Papildus vieta numuriņā15 €
Svinību zāle100 €
Pirts guļbūve22 €
Maksas autostāvvieta1 €
Siltā duša (1 personai) 3 €
Grils3 €
Galds + 2 soli5 €
Malka (viens grozs)3 €
Nūjošana2 €
Velosipēdu noma (1 stunda)3 €
Makšķernieku laivas noma (1 stunda)3 €
Četrvietīgās mucu mājiņas Nr: 10. - 1255 €
Galda teniss (1 stunda)3 €
Četrvietīgā mucu mājiņa Nr: 1365 €
Novuss (1 stunda)3 €
Badmintons (1 stunda)2 €
Veļas mazgāšana (1 reize)5 €

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