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Embūtes muiža holiday house

Addressaddress Dienvidkurzemes novads, Embūte - 1, Embūtes pagasts LV 3436
Route185 km from Riga to guest house
Languagesspeak lv speak ru

Manor Embūte
Manor Embūte is situated in the nature park of Embūte- in a very quiet and beautiful place. Strong legends, mythical stories and ancient energy wrapped around the site. The surroundings are ideal for walks, Nordic walks, bike riding, skiing. There are 2,5 km long nature trail, Joda dam, the Castle Mound Spring, two Curonian swords, sightseeing platform and more. The valley of Embūte is surrounded from all sides by ten meters high hills, highest of all- Krievu (Krīvu) hill (190 m above the sea) which is the highest place in Kurzeme.
Embūte is traditionally connected to the tragedy of Latvian poet Rainis named “Indulis and Ārija”. The ruins of Embūte Church are used for open-air wedding ceremonies. The place is ideal for organizing camps, art sessions, and adventure competitions.
Manor Embūte is ideal place for celebrations with family and friends, class trips or just relax.
Manor has two floors include 5- person and 6- person rooms and a double room. On each floor, there is a shared bathroom and toilet. There is a kitchen on the 1st floor and on the 2nd floor there is a dining room and a kitchen corner. Manor Embūte also offers a seminar room for up to 5o people. In recent years this place is actively used for weddings and various celebrations to mark.
By prior arrangement, Manor Embūte may offer a guide and velo- guide service. It is possible to rent bicycles, boats, buy souvenirs, get brochures.

Embūtes muiža, lepni slejas Embūtes viduslaiku pilskalnā. bilde Nr.1Otrā stāvā gaumīgas telpas dažādām svinībām- kāzām, dzimšanas dienām. Šeit var rīkot arī seminārus un citus pasākumus. bilde Nr.2 bilde Nr.3Embūtes muižas pagalms. bilde Nr.4Embūtes muiža. bilde Nr.5Lapenīte Embūtes muižas pagalmā. bilde Nr.6Netālu no Embūtes muižas atrodami kuršu zobeni, kas simbolizē ieejas vārtus Embūtes senlejā. bilde Nr.7Skats no Embūtes muižas otrā stāva logiem. bilde Nr.8Turpat, no Embūtes muižas, redzamas Embūtes luterāņu baznīcas drupas. bilde Nr.9Kāzas, dažādas svinības tiek svinētas Embūtes muižā. bilde Nr.10Embūtes muižas pagalmā. bilde Nr.11Embūtes baznīcas drupas, turpat netālu no Embūtes muižas. bilde Nr.12Turpat netālu ir Embūtes senleja. Šeit pieejama ugunskura vieta, wc, krēsli, soli, dabas takas, informācijas stendi.  bilde Nr.13Kuršu zobens. bilde Nr.14Daba visapkārt Embūtes muižai. bilde Nr.15Kuršu zobeni. bilde Nr.16Bizbizmārītes- simbols. bilde Nr.17 bilde Nr.18 bilde Nr.19 bilde Nr.20 bilde Nr.21 bilde Nr.22 bilde Nr.23 bilde Nr.24 bilde Nr.25 bilde Nr.26 bilde Nr.27 bilde Nr.28 bilde Nr.29 bilde Nr.30 bilde Nr.31 bilde Nr.32 bilde Nr.33 bilde Nr.34 bilde Nr.35 bilde Nr.36 bilde Nr.37 bilde Nr.38 bilde Nr.39 bilde Nr.40 bilde Nr.41 bilde Nr.42 bilde Nr.43 bilde Nr.44 bilde Nr.45 bilde Nr.46 bilde Nr.47 bilde Nr.48 bilde Nr.49 bilde Nr.50
Pieaugušajiem11 €
Skolēniem (matracis)7,50 €

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