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Ezermalas recreation place

Addressaddress Ikšķiles novads, Ezermalas, Ikšķile, Tīnūžu pagasts
Season01.05 - 01.11
Route25 km from Riga to guest house
Languagesspeak lv speak ru speak en

If you want to relax – change your environment. We can help you escape from your routine by offering some exciting activities close to mother nature.
Firstly, you will enjoy fishing. Meanwhile, you can play skittles, pretend being a French musketeer in a sword „battle”, have a ride on the pedalo, play a game - either „Jenga” or „Serso”, try stilt walking or just have a walk around.
It is most likely that after all these activities you will be as hungry as a wolf. We can offer you weather-protected and equipped sites for smoking or grilling the fish you have caught. A freshly – smoked trout or sturgeon (the fish for kings!), cold beer, rye bread – that sounds good, doesn’t it?
Water is not only for fishing! You can try out the Russian sauna and relax in an outdoor tub surrounded by torches. Another option is to enjoy a refreshing shower, where the water is heated by the sun. Just a swim in our pond (white sand, soft water) will make you feel better.
In the nearby forest there is a track for fans of Nordic walking. If you are not in the mood for it, just climb the little hill near the water. You can sit back and enjoy the landscape (especially at sunset) with a cup of tea or a glass of wine.
If you would like to spend the night with us, we can offer camping places or our insulated tents. Other options include a camper bus for three persons (water, gas, electricity) or a cosy bedroom with a stove.
We sincerely hope you will have a good time at our place. In order to ensure it, we will do our best to provide all the necessary things for it – could it be wood for your fire or a cup of coffee for you in the morning.

 bilde Nr.1 bilde Nr.2 bilde Nr.3 bilde Nr.4 bilde Nr.5 bilde Nr.6 bilde Nr.7 bilde Nr.8 bilde Nr.9 bilde Nr.10
telšu vieta 2 €
istaba5 €
makšķerēšana3 €
spēles un trosu ceļš, boulings 30 min1 €

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