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Josti leisure complex

Addressaddress Tukuma novads, Josti, Sēmes pagasts
Season01.01 - 31.12
Route70 km from Riga to guest house
Languagesspeak lv speak ru speak en

Leisure Complex “Josti” is located in a scenic place, surrounded by woods. It gives you an opportunity to stay away from everyday noise and rush. In a quiet and comfortable farmstead you can spend your holidays, relax alone or with your friends and family, enjoy the stillness of the natural beauty around and become a part of it.
You can take a sauna, go to a flower tub, swim, fish, cook your catch on a campfire, walk a nature trail or do nothing and just be a part of the nature.

Leisure Complex includes:
- The Guest House with a banquet hall for celebrations (up to 40 persons), open fire and oak wood furniture, cafe room, kitchen, sauna, cloakroom, rooms with amenities (16 bed sites in total). If necessary, we are organizing meals and events. We are also offering a 2 bedroom apartment with their own kitchen and separate entrance.
- The Log Sauna House with a spacious outdoor terrace, wood sauna and a hall with fireplace and lounge (up to 25 persons) and comfortable sleeping places.
- Spacious meadows and forests, several ponds, a heated water tub, furnished outdoor canopy and a fire site. It is possible to organize camps and sports games. In case if the existing ponds seem to be too small, in a 5 minute drive away there is a Rideļu lake and the Baltic sea is 10 minutes away from the complex.

Atpūtas komplekss bilde Nr.1Lielā zāle bilde Nr.2Kāzu galds bilde Nr.3Viesu nams bilde Nr.4Peldvieta bilde Nr.5Viesu nams bilde Nr.6 bilde Nr.7 bilde Nr.8Ugunskura vieta un nojume bilde Nr.9Āra nojume bilde Nr.10Rituālu vieta bilde Nr.11 bilde Nr.12Lielā zāle bilde Nr.13 bilde Nr.14 bilde Nr.15 bilde Nr.16Kafe telpa/ēdamistaba bilde Nr.172.stāva numuriņi bilde Nr.18 bilde Nr.19 bilde Nr.20 bilde Nr.21Pirts māja bilde Nr.22Pirts terase bilde Nr.23 bilde Nr.24 bilde Nr.25 bilde Nr.26Pirts kamīntelpa bilde Nr.27 bilde Nr.28Pirts viesistaba bilde Nr.29Pirts guļamistabas bilde Nr.30 bilde Nr.31 bilde Nr.32 bilde Nr.33Ziedu kubuls bilde Nr.34 bilde Nr.35 bilde Nr.36Nometnes, sporta spēles bilde Nr.37 bilde Nr.38 bilde Nr.39 bilde Nr.40 bilde Nr.41 bilde Nr.42Muflonu dārzs bilde Nr.43 bilde Nr.44 bilde Nr.45 bilde Nr.46 bilde Nr.47 bilde Nr.48 bilde Nr.49 bilde Nr.50


Rural Idyll. Tiekamies laukos!

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Old price: 390.00 €
discount: 26 %
Price: 290.00 €
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