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Zirgu seta Klajumi holiday house

Addressaddress Krāslavas novads, Klajumi, Kaplavas pag., Krāslavas nov. , Kaplava
Season01/01 - 31/12
Route270 km from Riga to guest house
Languagesspeak lv speak ru speak en

Horse ranch „KLAJUMI”

Dear traveller!
That is nice that you are interested in the horse ranch "Klajumi. We are proud that there is almost 100 years history of the farm "Klajumi". In 1936 with the governmental support to strengthen the Latvian eastern border, a young farmer, Janis Stabulnieks, established a farm near the Latvian-Belarussian border and gave it the name "Klajumi" - in translation "fields" - because he did himself made fields free from brushes and built new brick buildings.

Nowadays both old and new generations are working, saving culture and historical heritage and taking care of nature environment values. The landscape is hilly, but very scenery and tourism is more appropriate than agriculture in this region, located in the nature park of Daugava river valley and close to Latvian-Belarussian border. Taking into mind the love the owners of "Klajumi" possessed to horses, nature environment, historical conditions and traditions, in 1998 "Klajumi" started its business as a horse ranch.

Horse ranch "Klajumi" is not a riding centre, sport club or just an accommodation place. There are harmonized, landscaped riding tours organized on smart Latvian, Lithuanian and Belarussian horses. You are welcome to ride even without any riding experience. Nice guest houses for accommodation, traditional dishes of Latgale region and scenery nature will make your tour unforgettable.

In 2007 "Klajumi" was awarded the main award in the Latvian national competition for Ecotourism businesses and an award as the most friendly tourism farm in Latgale region. "Klajumi" has received as well the Latvian eco-label - "Green Certificate" symbolizing nature - friendly farming, saving and promoting culture and historical heritage, using nature-friendly building materials, saving nature resources. "Green Certificate" guarantees clean environment, healthy food, silence, nature, rural surroundings.

In 2007 farm "Ķemeri", enclosed by old apple - trees, has been purchased - homestead of inspiration, dreams and love. This homestead has built in 1932 in accordance with Vidzeme region architecture style by organ - player for his son Boguslavs Lapinskis. In 2011 "Ķemeri" has been opened for recreation at old style guest house and smoke sauna.

In 2010 a new farm "Krasti" has joined "Klajumi" properties - homestead enclosed by fragrant silent pine and spruce woods, springs and meadows, build at 1916. As a symbol for previous owners 3 oak trees have been planted by father Karlis Redobs to his 3 sons: Fridim, Eriks and Janis. Let"s imagine the morning view from the "Krasti" - look down from the hillside - misted Daugava river, on the other side of river - sun shined woods till the view of skyline ends... un horse, amazed on a doe, suddenly jumped near his nose, snorts: "Prrr - surprise!"

Enjoy together with us unrepeatable miracles of Daugava river valley beauties, strengthen your heart, fill your hearts and leave your footprints here!

You are welcome in horse ranch "Kajumi"!

Owner Ilze Stabulniece

„Klajumi” horses: Our horses are smart; You are welcome to ride
Horse riding routes
1. Nature routes in Zvainieki and Priedaine bends. Horse riding in nature park „Daugavas loki” (Daugava bends) with a high possibility to see wild animals and birds in beautiful lanscape of Daugava river valley. Introduce to the sceneries of the nature - protected area up the Daugava River, the nature park of Daugava river located in the area, protected objects of geology: Sproģi ravines and Adamova precipice, as well as the great pine of Sproģi. Enjoy the beauty and richness of the nature seen only from horseback, to form an understanding of natural processes…(routes for 1-5 hours)
2. Culture - historical route. Look at Veckaplava’s old wooden cottages, Vecborne Lutheran Church, Veckaplava Orthodox Church and baron Engelhard manor-buildings (routes for 1-5 hours).
3. “Look through the Latvian-Belarussian border”. You don’t need a visa for looking into Belarus across the border – landscapes with lakes, villages and forests (routes for 2-3 hours)!
4. Landscapes of Selija region. Representative landscape of the traditional Selija region relief: narrow roads, small hills, forests and farmsteads in near and distant perspective. (routes for 1-2 hours).
5. Un-known spruce forest in Latvian-Belarussian border area. I will not lie if I will say - a little bit mysterious, dreamlike and feral in the snaky road which in fist stage looks like without an end... But it comes! It opens the view to the wooden farmsteads, lost luxury and today’s reality. (routes for 3-4 hours).
6. Tour to lakeland - Šilovka, Varnaviči and Jablonka lakes. (2-3 days). Dvorišče, Rožupole villages, fire tower with beautiful view to Daugava river valley, Šilovka, Varnaviči and Jablonka lakes. Novoseļci landscapes. Fishing, walking, mushrooming, picking berries, swiming. Fish dishes and accomodation in guest house "Stirnmeži".
We offer:
2-7 days horseback tours, including guiding, horse, accommodation, local food, sauna
Riding routes and driving carriages: summer&winter. Very special are carriage driving tours with a picnic on the beach of river Daugava
Marriage/celebration carriages with escort
Reittherapy/ relaxation on horseback gymnastics in steps, trot, gallop - sitting straight, backwards, aside, upright
"Klajumi" guest cabin (9 places) with surrounding, incl. picnic place, sauna, nature routes, pets
Klajumu "Ķemeri" guest house (8 places) with surrounding, incl. picnic place, nature routes of Daugava river valley, smoke sauna, meeting place, arranged in old style
Sauna attendant services
Picnic places under the oak trees - the symbol of Latvian force
„Klajumi" swamp-forest route

10 questions and answers to visit "Klajumi" horse ranch

1. Are you tired? The best for relaxation - the horse!

2. Have you never sat on the horse? It’s safe to ride here without any riding experience. You will get a smart horse. We will help you.

3. Don"t you have any activities for winter? Of course, horse is not as skis used only for winter or swimsuit for summer:). Let"s ride, drive in winter carriages, and enjoy the picnic with hot drinks!!

4. There is no place to go with children? We guarantee: the best memories and sleep after "Klajumi" miracles!

5. Are you afraid to ride? We will combine - some of you can ride, some can drive in the carriage, then change, if anyone likes.

6. Where to go for an excursion? You are welcome - look to the horses, try to ride, introduce with farm and nature formations in "Klajumi" swamp-forest route.

7. Do you dream to get amazing picture? We will photo you on the horse or in the group of horses.

8. Do you like to see the Belarus? You don"t have a visa? No problem! We offer you to see Belarus - as on your hand! There is a riding route with a view beyond the Latvian-Belarussian border.

9. Do you like to be two alone? Our services are provided individually. Horse riding with individual guide, accommodation, food will be offered only for you personally. No other persons will join the ride. No others will live in guest house, just you two or only your group.

10. Do you dream to get away from the whole world? Here is a real place to do it - the nearest home stead is 1 km from here, the density of people in nature park of Daugava river is 0,5 inhabitants per 1 square kilometer.
„Klajumi”, Kaplava parish, Kraslava municipality, Latvia, LV-5668
Mob. +371 29 47 26 38

Please, take passports with you.

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Active leisure
Brīvdienu namiņs 2 personām42.7 €
izjāde 1 h14.2 €
reitterapijas/relaksācijas nodarbiba 20min11.4 €
Priedaines loks - izjāde 5h ar 2 pieturvietām un pikniku -skaistākais no visiem daugavas lokiem!65.5 €
Zvainieku loks-2 h izjāde27 €
Pirts 21.3 €
Pitnieka pakalpojumi 1 pers14.2 €

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