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Piešupīte holiday house

Addressaddress Jaunjelgavas novads, Staburags, Staburaga pagasts, Piešupīte
Season01/04 - 30/10
Route120 km from Riga to guest house
Languagesspeak lv speak ru speak en

A weekend house opposite Avotiņkalns Hill on the shore of the Daugava, 1.5 km from the Staburags cliff and the Liepavots stream. A fireplace room, kitchen, WC and shower on the first floor, and two bedrooms on the second floor. The sauna is in a separate cottage. A wonderful place for leisure and fishing.
Piešupīte is a landscaped house for the day off in a very pictorial place in the riverside of Daugava.
For the visitors we offer an isolated house with 2 bedrooms (for 6 persons), living room, kitchen, shower-bath. WC, sink, shower, towels, soap, shampoo, hairdryer, mirror, audio, tv, cablevision, sattelite television, kitchen, dishes, fridge, wardrobe, desk, Iron, fireplace, balcony available. There is a possibility of staying overnight in the bath-house on mattresses (up to 10 persons in the summer season).

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Active leisure
Mājas īre (līdz 6 personām) 24h130 €
Mājas īre (līdz 6 personām) 1 nedēļa600 €
Kompleksa īre (māja + pirts) 24h (līdz 15 pers)300 €
Papildvietas (1 personai) 24h15 €
Divvietīgā istaba 24h70 €
Kompleksa īre (māja + pirts) Līgo 22-24.06750 €
Pirts izmantošana bez nakšņošanas (līdz 9 pers) 24h100 €
Pirts atpūtniekiem, kuri dzīvo uz vietas līdz 3h40 €
Gultais vieta 1 personai pirts augšā 24h (līdz 9 pers)15 €
Airu laivas īre (1 diena)15 €

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